Why study in UAE?

The UAE offers an exceptional education system and international student experience, making it one of the most sought-after destinations for higher studies.

Here are reasons why you should consider studying in the UAE

01. World-class educational institutions offering a wide range of courses

The UAE is home to some of the most renowned universities, colleges, and educational institutes in the world, offering an array of courses and programs in various disciplines such as engineering, medicine, business, and finance.

02. Diverse and vibrant cultural environment

The UAE is home to people from different nationalities, cultures, and religions, offering an enriching experience for students to learn about different cultures.

03. Experienced faculty members and industry professionals

The UAE has highly qualified faculty members and industry professionals, providing students with the best learning opportunities.

04. Affordable cost of living

The cost of living in the UAE is relatively lower than in many other countries, making it an ideal destination for students to pursue their studies without spending too much.

05. Financing and scholarship opportunities

The UAE offers a range of financing and scholarship opportunities, making it easier for students to fund their studies.

06. A secure and safe environment

The UAE offers a safe and secure environment for students to pursue their studies.

07. Wide range of job opportunities

The UAE has a thriving economy, making it an ideal destination for students to find job opportunities after completing their studies.

08. Tax-free income

The UAE provides tax-free income, making it more attractive for students to pursue their studies.

09. Quality of life

The UAE provides students with an excellent quality of life, with plenty of activities and leisure opportunities available.


Top universities in UAE

The United Arab Emirates is known for its high-quality educational institutes, offering world-class education to students.

This college is one of the most prestigious universities in the UAE and is known for delivering excellent education to students.

AUS provides quality education, research opportunities, and internships to its students in various disciplines.

This public research university is renowned for its research and innovation initiatives.

This university offers numerous educational programs and is known for its quality of education.

This university delivers a variety of degree programs in various disciplines and is known for its study abroad opportunities. This University has their campus in UAE and in Inida

Great business School that has exchange programs for bachelors with London based colleges. You can complete 2+2 years program through GBS.

Manchester university has their campus in Knowledge village and delivers program based on UK standards. Stay and UAE and earn a degree from UK

AUE gives its students a chance to gain international experience through its study abroad programs. You can learn disciplines in business, computer science, Design and law.

This college focuses on producing well-skilled medical professionals for the healthcare sector. Graduates from DMC are well places in hospitals around UAE and Europe.

This university is renowned for preparing its students to be productive members of the business community.


Learn more about universities in Canada

01. The University of Toronto

Founded in 1827, this university is known for its rich history and world-class research. With three campuses located in the Greater Toronto Area, the University of Toronto is a hot spot for students seeking a degree in medicine, law, engineering, or the arts.

02. McGill University

Canada’s oldest post-secondary institution, McGill University is located in Montreal and is renowned for its prestigious graduates. McGill offers programs in the liberal arts, sciences, and more.

03. University of British Columbia

UBC is one of the country’s leading research universities. Located in Vancouver, its campus is beautiful and it offers an amazing range of programs and degrees.

04. University of Alberta

The University of Alberta is located in Edmonton, Alberta, and is known for its strong research programs. This institution also offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degrees.

05. Université de Montréal

Founded in 1878, the Université de Montréal is the largest francophone university in Canada. With a variety of programs from the humanities to engineering, this college has something for everyone.

06. McMaster University

Located in Hamilton, Ontario, McMaster University is a public research university known for its high research output. It offers programs in the humanities, sciences, health sciences, and more.

07. University of Ottawa

The University of Ottawa is the largest bilingual university in North America.

With a focus on research and innovation, this college has something to offer students of all backgrounds.

08. Carleton University

Located in Ottawa, Carleton University is a public university with a focus on research and innovation. It offers a range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs.

09. Queen’s University

Established in 1841, Queen’s University is one of Canada’s oldest universities. Located in Kingston, Ontario, this university has a focus on research and academics.

10. Ryerson University

Located in Toronto, Ryerson University is a public university focused on innovative, career-oriented education. It offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs.


How to be cost-effective in UAE

For international students studying in the UAE, cost-effectiveness is a key challenge.

To help make your experience easier, here’s a comprehensive list of cost-effective tips to help you live and study in the UAE in an affordable way:

There are many cultural and recreational activities available at low or no cost.

The UAE has a well-connected public transportation system that will help you get around without breaking the bank.

Many establishments in the UAE offer discounts to students. Be sure to take advantage of them when possible.

Grocery shop regularly, compare prices and buy in bulk to save money.

Look out for special offers and discounts on online food delivery apps.

Take part-time jobs to earn additional income if you are allowed to do so in accordance with your visa.

Try to cook your own meals instead of eating out to save costs.

Try to look for second-hand items that you may need for your day-to-day life.

Make use of the free Wi-Fi available in malls, coffee shops, and some universities.

These are a few tips that will help you save money and be cost-effective when studying in the UAE.

Be sure to do your own research and make informed decisions to make the most out of your stay.

01. Choose universities in smaller cities

Canada has some great universities located outside of major cities and these schools can be more affordable than their big-city counterparts.

02. Research scholarships and grants

Many educational institutions provide scholarships and grants to international students. Research options to help cover your tuition and other expenses.

03. Exploit student discounts

Student discounts are available for almost everything, from movie tickets to restaurants. Always ask for a student discount when out and about.

04. Make the most of your student loan

Most international students will receive a student loan to help cover their tuition fees and living expenses. Make sure to budget carefully and use the money for its intended purpose.

05. Remember that textbooks are optional

You can save money by limiting the number of textbooks you buy and using online resources or library materials

06. Look for off-campus housing

Off-campus housing can be significantly less expensive than on-campus housing. Consider options such as living in a shared house or apartment.

07. Use public transportation

Most cities and towns in Canada have an extensive public transportation system.

Take advantage of this and save money on gas.

08. Learn to cook

Eating out can be expensive, so learn to cook some basic meals to save money.

09. Take advantage of free events

There are many free events and activities available in Canada. Take advantage of these and you can save money on entertainment expenses.

10. Be mindful of your spending

It is easy to overspend when you are in a new country. Be mindful of your spending and try to stick to a budget.

Cost of studying in UAE

Studying in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can be expensive but it can also be very rewarding.

There are a number of costs associated with studying in the UAE, ranging from tuition fees to living expenses.

Fees will vary between universities but in general expect to pay between AED 3,000 to 30,000 per semester.

Depending on the city, a single bedroom in a shared apartment can range from AED 2,500 to 7,000 per month.

Grocery prices will vary but you can find a wide range of food for a modest cost. For a single person, expect to spend AED 750 to 1500 per month.

Public transportation in the UAE is cheap and efficient. An NOL card costs AED 50 and can be topped up with AED 10 – 50 per ride.

Textbooks and other supplies will range from AED 300 to 1,000 per semester.

Health insurance is mandatory for international students and coverage starts from AED 600 per year.

All international students must apply for an entry visa into the UAE and the cost is AED 370.

Cinema tickets, shopping, and eating out can add up, so set a budget for leisure activities.

Expect to pay around AED 200 per month for an internet and phone package.

Have some money set aside FOR EMERGENCY.

(*** The charges/costs are approximate and may vary.)


01. Tuition fees

Tuition fees for international students going in for an undergraduate course can range anywhere from $35,000 to $37,000 per year, depending on the institution and the program you are enrolled in. For a post graduate course, tuition fees can range from $20,000 to $22,0000 depending on the course and the university chosen.

02. Accommodation

Most international students choose to live off-campus in private housing. The average monthly rent is around $600-$900.

03. Books and Supplies

Expect to spend approximately $1,000-$1,200 per year on textbooks, study materials, and stationery.

04. Food and Groceries

A student should budget around $200-250 per month for groceries.

05. Transportation

Public transportation in Canada is quite affordable. A monthly bus pass will cost around $100.

06. Medical Insurance

All international students must have valid health insurance for the duration of their stay in Canada. The average cost of medical insurance is around $60-100 per month.

07. Entertainment

Depending on your lifestyle, you should budget around $50-100 per month for entertainment expenses.

08. Telephone and Internet

The average monthly cost of home telephone and internet services is approximately $50-80.

09. Visa Fees

International students must apply for a student visa when coming to study in Canada. The visa fees are approximately $150-200.

10. Miscellaneous costs

There may be other costs that you need to consider when making your budget, such as miscellaneous costs. These costs can vary depending on your individual situation, so it’s important to estimate them accurately


How can I apply to a college in UAE?

Applying to college in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an easy and straightforward process.

Here are the main steps you need to follow:

Gather information about the colleges in UAE that you are interested in. Make sure the college you’ve chosen offers the course or program that you are looking for.

Every college will have different admission criteria, so be sure to check the requirements for each college before you apply.

Fill out the application form online or download it and submit it by mail.

Along with the application form, you need to submit required documents such as passport, academic transcripts, and bank statement.

Most colleges in UAE require an application fee, usually in the form of a credit card or bank transfer.

Once your documents have been reviewed, you may be asked to attend an admission interview to further assess your academic capabilities.

After being accepted into the college, you will receive an offer letter from the college confirming your admission.

To attend college in the UAE, you will need to apply for a student visa.

Following these steps will help you apply to college in the UAE and take the first step towards a successful college career.

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